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Are You A Life Path 8? Here's What It All Means, From Numerologists

Sarah Regan
May 17, 2021
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
By Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor
Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, and a registered yoga instructor. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from SUNY Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.
May 17, 2021
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If you're into astrology, human design, or really anything related to personality, you've probably heard a bit about numerology. 

In numerology, numbers and letters hold energetic vibrations—and those vibrations are thought to influence our direction in life. Once you calculate your numerology chart and know your life path number, you can use it to better understand your personality, strengths, and weaknesses.

Today, we're diving deep into life path number 8.

How to find your life path number.

First things first: It's super simple to calculate your life path number. All you have to do is add up the numbers in your birthday. (Make sure you write out your full birth year.)

Keep adding any double-digit numbers together until you get a single-digit life path number between 1 and 9.

For example, if your birthday was March 29, 1969, it would look like:

3+2+9+1+9+6+9 = 39

3+9 = 12

1+2 = 3

So, 3 is your life path number.

Common traits of life path 8:

Calculated a life path number of 8? Here are a few things it says about you:

  • Ambitious: Life path 8s are very ambitious, numerologist and author of You Are Cosmic Code Kaitlyn Kaerhart tells mbg. And while ambition can be a good thing, she adds there can be a tendency of being overly materialistic and overbearing.
  • Disciplined and hardworking: Kaerhart adds 8s are extremely disciplined. This makes them excellent leaders who can effect real change. They also intuitively understand the energetic dynamics of power and money.
  • Power manifestors: Numerologist Michelle Buchanan explains that since 8 is a powerful number for manifestation, those with this life path number tend to attract what they focus their attention on. This ability is a great thing when 8s are living in alignment and aware of their thoughts and feelings—but things can get ugly fast "when they are pessimistic, materialistic, competitive, or have a victim mentality," she adds. "They can attract what they 'don't want' faster than any other number."
  • Wealthy: Life path 8s are known as the powerhouse, and Kaehart says 8 is the only number associated with money. "I've never seen an 8 not come into significant abundance," she says.
  • Dominant: 8s are also known for being authoritative and even controlling. "They're very much an authority in whatever field they want to be in," Kaehart says. While leadership can be an admirable quality, it's important these folks avoid exerting their power negatively and always use it for the betterment of all, she notes.

In their careers.

As you might have imagined, it's important for these folks to take the reins in whatever career they choose. As Kaerhart explains, "I never want to limit any number to a field, but I will say the life path 8 has to work for themselves."

Buchanan echoes this, adding they tend to work well in management roles and positions of authority where they can make decisions and be in control. "They don't like being told what to do, especially when they don't respect the person in charge—therefore self-employment is preferred."

Whether they're a self-employed hairstylist or the CEO of a major international corporation, she adds, they just want to be in control.

"The most suitable industries for an 8 Life Path are determined by the Destiny, Soul and Maturity Number," she adds (which you can find in your full numerology chart). "For example, a 3 Destiny Number indicates a creative, artistic, or communications industry such as beauty, fashion, design, entertainment."

Romantic compatibility.

As Buchanan explains, looking at someone's entire chart of 7 Core Personality Numbers will offer greater accuracy when it comes to numerology compatibility, "but in general terms, 8 is a strong and masculine number that has incarnated to work on 'power' issues—therefore, some 8s need to be in control and can be domineering in relationships."

Kaehart notes this controlling nature is something they (and their partner) need to watch out for, adding "They want things their way, and when they don't get their way, they can come off as a bit of a dictator."

However, Buchanan tells mbg, "All 8s are here to learn to obtain 'balance,' and those who have mastered this attract healthy relationships with partners who are 'just right,' and there are no power issues between them."

Some 8s, but not all, she says, are most compatible with the 4, 6, or 8 Life Path. But Kaehart adds that at the end of the day, "any number can be with any number."

Pros & cons of the life path 8:


  • Organized
  • Pioneering
  • Self-motivated
  • Tenacious
  • Strong
  • Driven
  • Dependable
  • Hardworking
  • Fair


  • Workaholic
  • Egotistical
  • Materialistic
  • Domineering
  • Manipulative
  • Greedy
  • Poverty-conscious
  • Intolerant
  • Superficial

Tips to thrive:


Study the universal laws.

Buchanan recommends 8s to study and live their life by the universal laws that govern this world (like the law of attraction). She adds that Sandra Anne Taylor's book, Quantum Success: The Astounding Science of Wealth and Happiness is a book every 8 should read. The more these folks understand the laws of the universe, the better they'll be able to bridge the material and the spiritual.


Find balance within yourself.

One of life path 8s biggest lessons is to learn how to find balance, in life and within themselves: "Balance between the material and spiritual world; balance between the ego human mind and the inner voice of the soul; balance between self-discipline and self-control and a need to control circumstances, others, and the world," Buchanan says.

Whether through study, service to others, or other forms of self-improvement, it's all about striking balance in all areas of life for this number. "8s are strongly governed by the Law of Cause and Effect, so it's vital that they live honestly and with integrity because what goes around comes around," she adds, "and this is doubly so for an 8."


Use abundance affirmations.

Kaerhart explains that it's very important for 8s to have a healthy relationship with money, abundance, and wealth. And Buchanan adds they also need to find the balance between "having an attitude of abundance yet knowing that money, power, and success do not define them."

Positive money and power affirmations will serve them well. Buchanan recommends repeating, I adopt an attitude of abundance and reclaim my personal power.

Kaerhart suggests, I am abundant and ambitious using this power to do good in the world.

The bottom line.

Numerology can give us a new way to understand everything from our personality to the kind of year we're going to have. And if you have an 8 life path number, striking a balance between material success and spiritual fulfillment is the name of the game for you.

Sarah Regan author page.
Sarah Regan
mbg Spirituality & Relationships Editor

Sarah Regan is a Spirituality & Relationships Editor, a registered yoga instructor, and an avid astrologer and tarot reader. She received her bachelor's in broadcasting and mass communication from State University of New York at Oswego, and lives in Buffalo, New York.